Team RC Discharger Sponsorship Application
Now open: Team RC Discharger Sponsorship Application
Team RC Discharger
Clayton Young
Cars: Awesomatix A800MMX
Sponsors: Threads, Sanwa, TQWire, Helix designs, PCR, RC Discharger
Review: “Excited to bring on RC Discharger as a sponsor this year! I’ve been using this product for over a year now and it works amazingly well. Setup is a breeze.”
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Matthew Gonzales
Cars: TeamAssociated B7, and Team Associated B74
Sponsors: Hobbywing, 1UP Racing, Team-Associated, Factory-Team, JConcepts, SDRCraceway, TDKrepair, Team-Kinwald, Team-Glitch, RC Discharger
Review: “Finally got a chance to mess with this RC discharger regenerative charging technology and it’s awesome!!”
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Ron Schuur
Cars: Associated B6.1, Yokomo YR-X12, Yokomo 1/10th Sedan and Custom Works Oval
Sponsors: Hobbywing, Schuur Speed, Ko-Propo, RC Speed Secrets, Team Associated, Pro-Line Racing, JConcepts, Schelle Racing Innovations, AMain Hobbies, RC Discharger
Review: “Really enjoy mine. 2 battery’s can be cycled at 40A at the same time. Great product”
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Ryan McGlothern
Cars: TLR 22 5.0 SR, 22 5.0 DC ELITE, 22-4 2.0 and 22T 4.0
Sponsors: Horizon Hobby, Team Losi Racing, Spektrum, Vision Racing, JConcepts, RC Discharger
Review: “Have to thank RC Discharger for hooking up my icharger for the TLR Cup this weekend! Sweet orange color and compacts everything together. I’m really pumped to not have to worry about the heat burning my hand or my pit mat. Comes in a few different colors. Check em out!”
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Shane Borden
Cars: TLR 22X-4, 22 5.0 DC ELITE, 22T 4.0, 22SCT 3.0, and 8IGHT-X
Sponsors: HorizonHobby, ProlineRacing, Trinity, Spektrum, Hobbywing, LunsfordRacing, 1UP Raving, Avid, Sanwa, FusionGraphix, RCDischarger
Review: “I was using this awesome all in 1 discharge device/iCharger stand last weekend. It was really nice to clear up some space in my pit area. Both ports are able to do 40 amp cycles. Super nice and compact and only have to use 1 iCharger.”
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Troy Turner
Cars: Traxxas Slash, AE B6.4, Custom works Outlaw 4, GFRP Assailant
Sponsors: 517RC, Dialed RC, RC Discharger
Review: “I’m truly amazed at the difference it made with all my lipo packs. Lower IR’s, more punch and higher charge capacities. My Rc Discharger kept my batteries at peak performance all day”
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